R 22 Replacement Options

Over a period of time especially ever since several countries decided to phase out the R-22 refrigerants, there have been many developments in the sphere of refrigerant replacement. The primary goal of these researches and innovations has been to come with a viable and usable and very much an efficient alternative for R 20 refrigerants. Many came and left the scene without even creating a ripple in this wide ocean of choices mainly because they were lacking in some aspect or the other.

TDX 20 Refrigerant Came To Rescue

When more than 197 countries decided that they were going to come together in 1987 under the Montreal Protocol to prevent further irreparable damage to the ozone layer, neither of them thought that it would take so long to get R 22 refrigerants out of the picture. But every story has an end and the story of the R-22 is nearing its end as well.
The whole idea behind diminishing the use of R 20 refrigerants is to make our environment safe again. But this goal is impossible to achieve if we continue to use the current replacement refrigerants. They are not as efficient as we would want them to be (especially in comparison to TDX 20 refrigerant). They consume more power and increase our carbon footprint. This is why experts suggest that we opt for TDX 20 which is being considered the best solution to this problem. It won’t increase electricity consumption and doesn’t deplete the ozone layer of the planet.


TDX-20 Refrigerant Has Come Up As A Very Efficient And Suitable Replacement

By the end of the year 2016, TdX 20 by Bluon Energy was able to clear all the primary regulatory hurdles. According to the latest news, mass production of this refrigerant is underway and after all the necessary testing and assessments, it will be available to the public. It will require no additional monetary investment or setting up of any new equipment so the rumor that we’ve been hearing of it being more efficient but at an added cost will be rubbished the moment it is more widely available.

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